We are delighted to announce that Tonny Kukeera (pictured), a recent graduate of M.Sc. Energy Engineering at the Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences, has been awarded a three month academic placement opportunity on sustainable energy based at the National University of Lesotho. The placement is funded by the LCEDN in their support of the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP) and the National University of Lesotho (NUL) in the organisation of the second Africa-EU Symposium on Renewable Energy Research and Innovation (RERIS 2018) from 23–26 January 2018 in Maseru, Lesotho. Tonny will be starting the placement on 1st December 2017. Tonny has written the following blog in anticipation of the start of the placement:
I am so excited to be part of the LCEDN under the academic placement at the National University of Lesotho. The timing could not have been any better, at this moment when the world is challenged to employ multifaceted approaches to solve energy access problems. A holistic approach that navigates the operational lines and bridges the gaps among the different disciplines (i.e. researchers, entrepreneurs and policy makers), is most likely to offer a sustainable solution. As such, I am more than honored to be part of the organizing team for the upcoming Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovations Symposium where members from academia, private and public sector, will not only discuss the challenges, but also the way forward to ensure a clean energy secure world through fostering cooperation.
Among other tasks, I look forward to being part of the team that is going to work on the students’ curriculum for a master in sustainable energy at the National University of Lesotho. I am positive it is going to be an enriching experience. Besides getting more insights and exposure to new aspects as far as the sustainable energy industry is concerned, I look forward to interacting with experts in the energy field on top of building long-lasting relationships that will see me make an impact on the African continent.