The EforA Research and Development Fund was launched in November 2018 and aims to accelerate innovation in off-grid and weak grid appliance technologies.
Efficiency for Access (EforA - https://efficiencyforaccess.org/grants), supported by UK aid, is investing funding into research and development (R&D) projects with the aim to accelerate the availability, affordability, efficiency and performance of a range of low energy inclusive appliances that are particularly suited to developing country contexts and promote social inclusion.
In our second call, EforA invites funding applications for R&D projects that develop innovative appliance technologies or products focused on cooling for off- and weak-grid settings with a particular focus on fans, refrigeration and cold chain. The minimum total funding available under this call is £1m. Please see the guidance for applicants here - https://storage.googleapis.com/e4a-website-assets/Guidance-for-applicants.pdf
Access to sustainable cooling is essential in achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as the SDGs for poverty and health. Access to cooling is also a prerequisite for broader economic development, enabling farmers to access new markets, as well as reducing food loss and waste. At the same time, cooling provides much-needed relief and helps to save lives in an increasingly warmer climate.
For this call, we have introduced changes to provide additional funding support and application assistance to start-ups and micro-sized organisations, as well as applicants based or conducting R&D in UK aid priority countries (e.g. in sub-Saharan Africa). We encourage these organisations to apply. In addition, we are available to provide partner match-making assistance for your application if you are looking for partner organisations with specifics areas of expertise.