Collaborative organisation of the International Conference for Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET)
As well as developing capacity building activities with Northern collaborators such as the RECP and Energia, we are developing strategic capacity building initiatives with two existing Southern partners. One of these partners is the ICDRET collaborative grouping centred on the United International University in Dhaka (the other key collaborators include TERI, the University of Kathmandu, UKM Malaysia and other Asian and International partners). We are further developing existing capacity building collaborations and also cross-fertilising lessons learnt across the networks. We also seek to incorporate collaborations with the WISIONS practitioner networks in Wind, Hydro and Biogas, with whom we have also been cooperating into these initiatives.
Through the collaboration with ICDRET, we are drawing in key ICDRET members into the East African events and also involving STEPS partners in the planning and delivery of the 2018 ICDRET conference in Kathmandu. The particular thematic focus of our involvement also draws heavily upon the key capacity building themes, with a particular focus on questions of transdisciplinarity and cross-sectoral working practices and a thematic focus on mini and nano-grid development.
These interactions will feed into a short report on capacity-building initiatives and needs in both regions to feed into the RPDC’s scoping work.
ICDRET 2018, Kathmandu:
Access conference information here.