Bio-energy for Sustainable local energy services and Energy Access in Africa: Academic Research Project Invitation to Tender

4 October 2018

As programme lead for the Transforming Energy Access delivery consortium, the Carbon Trust has recently published an invitation to tender for an academic  research initiative entitled Bio-energy for Sustainable Local Energy Services and Energy Access in Africa,

As part of the Transforming Energy Access programme, the research should have a practical focus and should lead to the development of practical resources and tools that can assist industry and investors in assessing the potential use and application of a bio-energy technology within Sub Saharan Africa.

For full application details see the application notice on the Carbon Trust's website

The Carbon Trust manages the Research Programme Delivery Consortium (RPDC) overseeing DFID’s Transforming Energy Access (TEA) Programme, to deliver applied research and innovation that will accelerate access to affordable, clean energy services for poor households and enterprises.

This research and innovation programme delivers new technologies and robust evidence on the critical barriers hampering systemic change and scaling up energy access, working with Southern researchers and entrepreneurs, to drive locally-relevant innovation and delivery. This will have a transformative impact on deploying renewable energy solutions in developing countries, especially in Africa.

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