GMG Facility Kenya Grants and Technical Assistance to mini grid developers - Bid Call

11 October 2019

The objective of Green Mini-Grids Kenya is to catalyse investment in electricity mini-grids and provide renewable powered electrification to enhance access to energy in Kenya. To this end, AFD provides support for project preparation and the leveraging of private investment in Green Mini-Grids (GMG) in Kenya.

The programme provides two main kind of supports to Project developers: Technical Assistance (TA) on a demand-driven basis and Financial Support through Grants to encourage private operators to build and operate economically viable mini-grids.

Both Technical Assistance and Financial support facilities will need to be tailored to the specific  needs of the eligible project sponsors. In addition, the programme can also provide Technical Assistance at sector and policy level.

The overall objective of this latest requested assignment is to design and implement a programme to support the verification of the investment and output based milestones defined in grant agreements between GMG Call 2 developers and the GMG Facility Managing Entity.

This call for proposal is published on the website of the GMG programme in Kenya ( and all stakeholders registered on the programme platform have received an invitation to apply

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