Please see the below call for proposals from GOGLA:
We are looking for submissions of interest and proposals in respect of two multi-country research Workstreams designed to uncover further data and insights on the impact of off-grid solar. This research will extend and enhance data gathered in a 2017-18 socioeconomic impact research (SEIR) project which led to the Powering Opportunity report (released in July 2018).
The two new research Workstreams are:
- Workstream 1a - Building on the Original Data Collection
- Workstream 1b - Geographic Expansion
Workstream 1a: aims to build on the knowledge already gathered, by re-engaging customers from the original research to explore how impact has changed over time and to dig into key areas uncovered e.g. use of time, economic activity and job creation. The research will include phone-based interviews with up to 2343 customers in Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, as well as a face-to-face qualitative element. Face-to-face interviews will take place with a limited number of customers and sales agents, to uncover more contextual insights and a better understanding of the dynamics that affect various socioeconomic impacts.
Workstream 1b: seeks to expand the SEIR research to West Africa and South Asia. This research and analysis will build on the infrastructure created by the initial research and allow data to be captured in new regions. This Workstream will include baseline data collection (supported by participating companies) and follow up data collection (undertaken by the successful research partner). The exact countries to be covered are to be confirmed. If costs for specific countries within these regions vary, please highlight this within a proposed budget. As well as regional analysis, this Workstream also contains analysis on the full SEIR data set (including data already collected and which will be collected in Workstream 1a).
Separate submissions for each of the Socioeconomic Impact Research (SEIR) Workstreams will be accepted and fully assessed. However, to streamline project management, we encourage submissions which include both Workstreams.
Please find attached Terms of Reference and Project Overviews for each Workstream.
Submissions of interest and proposals are requested by Tuesday 13th November 2018.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Best wishes,
Susie Wheeldon
Research Advisor
GOGLA – The Voice of the Off-Grid Solar Energy Industry
Email: s.wheeldon@gogla.org
Skype: susiewheeldon
Website: gogla.org