Dr Ben Campbell works as Network Co-Coordinator for the Low Carbon Energy for Development Network (with Dr Ed Brown). In this role, Ben is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of the Network and for the supervision of the Research Associates working for the Network.
Ben's research interests lie in the fields of low carbon energy transitions, biotechnology and post-agrarian rural economies, culture and sustainability, conservation and social justice, and environmental anthropology, with a particular focus on Nepal, the Himalayas, and South Asia.
In addition to his LCEDN role, Ben is currently PI on the EPSRC-funded project which involves networking the projects funded under the RCUK Understanding Sustainable Energy Solutions (USES Network) programme. Ben is also currently managing a research project exploring non-wood renewable fuel sources for the yak cheese factory at Shing Gomba, Langtang.
Ben is a Lecturer in the Department of Anthropology at Durham University. In this role, Ben's teaching examines social anthropology, sustainability, culture and development. Ben is the Director of Durham MSc Sustainability, Culture and Development.
Ben's staff profile at Durham University can be viewed here.
Ben's publications can be viewed here.
Ben can be contacted at:
E-mail: Ben.Campbell@durham.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)191 3341621