Dr Jonathan Cloke co-founded the LCEDN in January 2012 with Dr Ed Brown, Prof Marcus Power and Paul Johnson, and has thereafter represented the LCEDN in his role as National Network Manager. Jon works at mapping the UK low carbon energy for development research landscape and has recently been involved in coordinating the projects funded under the Understanding Sustainable Energy Solutions (USES) research programme funded by the UK government department DfID. Jon is now a researcher on DfID’s Transforming Energy Access (TEA) programme and another DfID-funded project, the Solar Nano-grids project (SONG). He has lectured in human geography in the Geography Department at Loughborough in a wide range of modules from Level 1 to Post-graduate. He has also worked as an NGO Consultant to different non-government organisations including the UK-based NGO Practical Action developing policy documents for guiding strategy.
Jon's research interests lie in the field of low carbon energy transitions in the Global South, and financial geographies of the Global South, including politics of corruption, capitalism, and green economies.
Jon's staff profile at Loughborough University can be viewed here.
Jon's publications can be viewed here.
Jon can be contacted at:
E-mail: J.M.P.Cloke@lboro.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1509 228193