Prof. Ed Brown co-founded the Low Carbon Energy for Development Network in January 2012 with Dr Jonathan Cloke, Professor Marcus Power and Paul Johnson. In his role as Network Co-Coordinator, Ed is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of the Network and for the supervision of the Research Associates working for the Network.
Ed's research interests lie in the fields of governance and international development issues with current research outputs focusing upon: questions of transparency and corruption; financial globalization and the financial needs of the poor; and energy access and low carbon energy transitions. Ed has also long had a particular interest in the Central American region where he has explored the political economy of state reforms as well as the broader impacts of neoliberal globalization.
Recently, Ed's research activities to date focus on issues surrounding the uptake of low carbon energy technologies within the Global South. In addition to his LCEDN role, Ed is currently PI on three EPSRC projects in this field. One involves networking the projects funded under the RCUK Understanding Sustainable Energy Solutions (USES Network) programme, whilst the other two are research projects, one exploring the implications of political decentralization for energy governance in Africa (READ) and the other exploring the potential of solar nano-grids in the contexts of Kenya and Bangladesh (SONG).
Ed is a Professor of Global Energy Challenges at Loughborough University. In this role, Ed's teaching examines international development with a particular focus on Central America.
Ed's staff profile at Loughborough University can be viewed here.
Ed's publications can be viewed here.
Ed can be contacted at:
E-mail: E.D.Brown@lboro.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1509 222738