11 September 2017
The UK Low Carbon Energy for Development Network (LCEDN), coordinated by Dr Ed Brown, are involved in the organization of a two major conferences this week. Founded in 2012, the LCEDN brings together researchers, policy-makers and practitioners from across the United Kingdom to expand research capacity around low-carbon development in the countries of the Global South. Other colleagues involved with the organization of these two major conferences are Dr Jon Cloke and Dr Long Seng To.
The first is the UK LCEDN annual conference in Durham with around 100 delegates drawn from around the world. This years theme is Equity and Energy Justice with keynote speakers including Rosie Day, Ben Sovacool, Vanesa Castan Broto, Joy Clancy, Simon Trace and John Loughhead. The full programme includes speakers from South Africa, Chile, Bangladesh, Kenya, India, USA, Uganda, Malawi, Mexico and Australia. At this conference UKLCEDN will be launching the consultative draft of a major new report for DfID reviewing the state of UK low carbon energy and international development research and innovation in the UK.
The second is that LCEDN are co-organizing this year's UK Energy Research Centre Conference in Warwick. We are organizing one of the two conference streams. The overall conference theme is Clean Growth and Innovation in a Changing World, our stream concerns "Where can UK energy research add value on the sustainable development goals" - we will be discussing the implications of our new report for DFID on the state of UK energy research. The activity will lead to the preparation of a briefing for civil servants, the research councils and the academic community on how UK strengths can be better communicated and utilised.
This press release was published on the Loughborough University website at http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/geography/news-events/2017/lcedn-conf...