22 June 2017, 14:00 GMT onwards. The webinar topic was ‘Reaping the benefits of energy access: gender, policy and practice’. The webinar can be viewed here
In this webinar, we were joined by several speakers who spoke about their experience with gender & energy policy and practice in the context of rural development. We were guided by questions such as – what must still be done at the policy level to ensure that women and girls have access to energy – and that they benefit from this access? (In terms of economic benefits, education, health, etc.). How can we ensure via policy that men, women, and children benefit from energy access & achieve positive outcomes for all communities / family? In practice, what has been achieved thus far in communities? What must still be done? How can national energy / gender policies best be implemented at the local level and encourage women’s entrepreneurship and leadership? The following speakers contributed:
- Ana Rojas, Gender and Energy Task Manager for the GGO’s Gender Equality for Climate Change Opportunities (GECCO) programme
- Govind Kelkar, Landesa Rural Development Institute / Energia Network
- Moni Gupta, University of Cambridge / Co-founder of Mobile Education for Smart Technology
- Sayouba Guira, Director, Nafa Naana Gratiano Widi, Wonder Women Eastern Indonesia Program Manager, Kopernik