E4C’s Seminar Series features academic laboratories researching solutions to meet the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. The world’s cutting edge research deserves a platform with a global audience. Join us for presentations of new findings from investigative teams around the globe each month. And researchers, we welcome your applications to take part in the series. Please send an email to...
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), energypedia UG and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
Powering Humanitarian Facilities: Dialogue on Implementation Models
How can humanitarian agencies move from procure and provide to buying energy as a service? This webinar will shed light on the different models for powering humanitarian facilities with renewable energy. Two case studies will highlight how renewable energy is used to power a humanitarian hub managed by IOM in South Sudan and focus on the challenges and lessons learnt from ICRC’s net metering program in Pakistan....