Anthropologists and geographers have made influential contributions in recent years to research on low carbon energy transitions in the Global South. Collaborations between the disciplines have been key to the on-going work of the UK-based Low Carbon Energy for Development Network who are proposing this session, and whose work with the current DFID programme on Modern Energy Cooking Services will be featured. The panel will explore the common ground of methods, analytical concepts and case study comparisons, which enable anthropologists and geographers to open up the field of energy transitions to critical scrutiny, challenge techno-centric approaches, and attend to energy innovation as socio-technical practice involving hybrid knowledges, skills and informal governance systems. The panel invites papers on energy ethnographies, participant energy observation, studies of energy development projects, energy and culture, gender and energy, decentralised energy systems as common property resources, devolved energy governance, off-grid innovation, community energy studies, energy subjectivities, sociotechnical imaginaries of renewable energy, energy ontologies, communication and interdisciplinary practice in energy research, issues of data control and energy systems, understanding renewables and poverty, energy in informal settlements, cultures of cooking, energy and indigeneity, energy policy and practice, energy sovereignty, climate adaptation and energy alternatives, ethno-engineering, political economy and/or political ecology of low carbon energy transitions.
Ben Campbell (Durham University)
Ed Brown (Loughborough University)
Raihana Ferdous (Glasgow University)
link for proposing papers: