Plant Power Bioenergy Workshop 27 June 2019, 9.30-16.30, Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Bioenergy, Biotechnology, Mini-Grids, Energy-Water-Food, Poverty Alleviation, SDG7
The Africa Capacity Building Initiative energy consortium in Uganda, Tanzania, Congo Brazzaville and Leeds has extended its work with partnerships in India and Indonesia to conduct interdisciplinary research on bioenergy. The research ranges from water hyacinth biogas to community-based mini-grids on new collaborative projects with the EPSRC, BBSRC, HEP and INNOVATE UK.
The ACBI team is holding a workshop on ‘Plant Power’ together with their partners at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew on 27 June 2019 to present their work and provide a networking opportunity for anyone interested to attend.
The workshop is open to all and will be held in the Lady Sainsbury Lecture Theatre of the Jodrell Laboratory at Kew. Entrance is via the Jodrell Gate. Please register via the EventBrite link so that we have an idea of numbers (link given below).
ACBI team and international collaborators participating:
Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC) and Makerere University Uganda: Mary Susan Abbo, Angella Mable Nabagesera, Flavia Martha Ajambo, Opio Miria, Joshua Ogwok, Dr Betty Nabuuma.
Dar es Salaam Institute for Technology, UDSM and TANESCO, Tanzania: Dr Consalva Msigwa, Mwaka Juma, Nassoro Sadick Nassoro, Mawazo John, Erasto Chiswanu.
Université Marien Ngouabi, Congo Brazzaville: Tania Mayala.
Resilience Development Initiative and ITB, Indonesia: Dr Saut Sagala, Dr Yudha Prambudia.
Visva Bharati University, Institute of Chemical Technology, Defiant Renewables, Vellore Institute of Technology, Technology Development Centre, India: Prof Shibabni Chaudhury, Dr Srinivasan Balachandran, Dr Vishvanath Dalvi, Dr Gaurav Nahar, Dr Annamma A Odaneth, Dr Mahesh Ganesapillai, Dr Sunil Kumar
University of Leeds, UK: Prof Jon Lovett, Charlotte Ball, Dr Shahab Dehghan, Prof Kang Li, Dr Petros Aristidou, James McKay, Dr Benjamin Chong, Nick Davison, Dr Andy Ross, Dr Miller Camargo Valero, Prof John Blacker, Diane Myers, Cynthia Kusin Okoro-Shekwaga, Aaron Brown, Doug Bray, Jessica Quintana Najera, Dr Micaela Chacon