Registration open: Regional Conference on Enhancing Energy Integration in South Asia at Hotel Le Méridien, New Delhi, 30th-31st August 2018.
Electricity Trade among South Asian Countries is being actively facilitated. Enhanced Electricity trading would benefit all countries in the South Asia Region.
IRADe has been working in the South Asia Region to promote Cross Border Electricity Trade since October 2012, more than five and half years under the SARI/EI Program of the USAID. During these years we worked with South Asian Country Governments, Power Utilities, Power planning & regulating authorities such as CEA, CERC, NEA, BPDB, Private institutions, Regional Institutions such as SAARC & BIMSTEC, Think Tanks etc. and many others. Over the years we brought out a number of technical reports listed separately. They were released earlier by Shri Rajiv Kumar, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog in New Delhi, Ambassador Manjeev Puri in Nepal, Dr. Swarnim Wagle, Former Vice Chairman National Planning Commission, Nepal, Mr. Nasrul Hamid, State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resource, Bangladesh etc.
We plan to hold a regional conference on Enhancing Energy Integration in South Asia on 30th -31st August’2018 at Hotel Le Méridien, New Delhi. The conference will discuss, deliberate, and disseminate the key findings of these studies to enhance energy integration and to promote Cross Border Electricity Trade in the region. We expect high level participation from the Governments, planning authorities, policy making bodies, financial institutions and Multilateral Development Banks (MDB), Power sector institutions and companies; trade & industry associations from South Asian Countries. We are happy to inform you that Shri R K Singh, Hon’ble Minister of Power, Government of India has kindly given his consent to inaugurate the workshop on 30th August, 2018.
It is our honour to invite you as a delegate for the conference on 30th and 31st August, 2018 at Hotel Le-Meridien.
The draft agenda and brochure of the conference is attached herewith.
Kindly confirm at the earliest to abehara@irade.org Mr. B.K. Sarkar at (bk.sarkar@irade.org) so we can register your name.
With Best Regards.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Jyoti Parikh-
Professor Jyoti Parikh Ph D, FNASc
Executive Director ,
Integrated Research and Action for Development IRADe
Member, former Prime Minister's Advisory council on Climate Change