Registration is open for the upcoming March webinar, hosted by Smart Villages and the LCEDN, entitled:
'Crowd Power - Crowdfunding Energy Access Ventures'
Tue, Mar 6, 2018, 10:00 - 11:00 AM GMT
If you are a start-up or a smaller energy access firm looking to raise funds, then energy-targeted crowdfunding may just be for you. Raising the necessary finance for start-up and scale-up energy access ventures on terms that make commercial sense is one of the biggest challenges in the sector. In the search for appropriate finance, innovative energy access projects are increasingly turning to crowdfunding to address their financing need. Energy4Impact has spent the last 3 years looking into the challenges and opportunities in crowdfunding energy access. In this webinar, they will share some of their findings and recommendations, covering donation, reward, debt and equity crowdfunding. Energy4Impact will be joined by crowdfunding platform partner Lendahand, as well as crowdfunded entrepreneurs Sosai Renewable Energies of Nigeria to present their experiences. This month, our presenters/discussants will be Energy4Impact's Davinia Cogan, who has been managing their crowdfunding research programme, Danny den Hartog, Managing Director of Lendahand Ethex and Habiba Ali, Managing Director of Sosai RE. In addition to presentations on their experiences, the webinar will include a panel discussion on the various challenges and opportunities of crowdfunding energy access between the presenters, as well as - of course - an opportunity for Q&A with all webinar participants.