LCEDN 7th Annual Conference
Wednesday 30 May to Friday 1 June, 2018
Loughborough, UK.
We are looking forward to welcoming delegates to the 7th LCEDN Annual Conference, which will take place on Wednesday 30 May, Thursday 31 May and Friday 1 June 2018 in Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough, UK. The theme will be 'Transforming Energy Access?'. We very much look forward to seeing you there!
STOP PRESS: Registration for the Conference is now closed but we will be live streaming some of the sessions through our partnership with Smart Villages. Please see details here.
Please see below for the conference schedule, which is subject to change (PDF file).
As those who have attended our previous events will be aware, our conferences provide opportunities to meet with colleagues from across the world with interests in low carbon transitions and in addressing energy access challenges (be they providing electricity or modern cooking services). The events are expressly inter-disciplinary bringing together researchers with backgrounds in science, engineering, economics and business and the full gamut of social sciences.
The other raison d’etre of the LCEDN is to bring together the academic community with those working in other sectors. Sessions focus on the private sector (both large and small scale), different approaches towards innovation in different sectors, grassroots mobilization and community engagement, and interactions with policymakers and other key stakeholders.
This year our conference is being delivered alongside the team coordinating DFID’s Transforming Energy Access initiative (the Carbon Trust, Energy4Impact, University of Cape Town and The Energy and Resources Institute in India) hence the strapline for this year’s conference.
During our sessions this year, we will address what it will take to fundamentally transform energy access in new directions. The issues to be explored will include but are in no way limited to:
- The Social/Equity impacts of current and intended energy access programmes (including gender, age, disability etc.)
- Innovative forms of access to finance and alternative delivery mechanisms
- Different approaches to innovation
- New approaches in clean cooking
- Confronting waste in low carbon transitions
- More than entrepreneurialism: energy and local development planning
- Local energy governance
The conference will run from 9am to 5:30pm each day, and there will be a conference dinner on Thursday 31st May from 7pm.
Please include the hashtag #LCEDN2018 for all tweets about this conference.