RAEng Partnership

Advancing excellence in engineering in the Global South with the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng).

The programme of collaboration with the Royal Academy of Engineers (RAEng) aims to support the execution of the programme of GCRF activity (with a particular focus on the integration of energy issues into the RAEng’s international development activities and activities promoting the adoption of cross-disciplinary perspectives and methodologies...

ICDRET Partnership

Collaborative organisation of the International Conference for Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET)

As well as developing capacity building activities with Northern collaborators such as the RECP and Energia , we are developing strategic capacity building initiatives with two existing Southern partners. One of these partners is the ICDRET collaborative grouping centred on the...

ASH Partnership

Strategic Networking focussed on Energy Governance in East Africa with the Africa Sustainability Hub (ASH).

As well as developing capacity building activities with Northern collaborators such as the RECP and Energia , we are developing strategic capacity building initiatives with two existing Southern partners. One of these partners is the African Sustainability Hub (ASH) in Kenya (a partnership...

ENERGIA Partnership

Mainstreaming Gender within Energy Research in the Global South with the International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA)

The aims of the collaboration between the International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (Energia) and the LCEDN are to: (a) to build value through establishing partnerships between existing DFID-funded research programmes on energy and development and enhancing learning by exchange between...

EUEI PDF Partnership

Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme in Africa with the EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF).

The Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP) managed by the EUEI PDF is one of the most important international collaboration programmes in the energy access field. It is designed to support the rapid acceleration of low carbon transitions in Africa, as well as...

E4I and KTN Partnerships

Integrating the UK research and innovation space with Energy 4 Impact (E4I) and the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN)

The LCEDN is working collaboratively with Energy 4 Impact (whose key expertise lies in catalysing market opportunities for energy sector entrepreneurs and innovators in developing country markets) and the Knowledge Transfer Network (who have unique expertise on the UK innovation...

Practical Action Partnership

Re-thinking research communication with Practical Action

The partnership between the LCEDN and Practical Action involves collaborative work on the ' Broadening Academic Dissemination ' initiative. Through this initiative, we are developing a strong connection between the LCEDN’s research and expertise mapping work and Practical Action’s Practical Answers initiative. The intention is to develop an action plan for making the fruits of...


LCT: Low cost energy-efficient products for the bottom of the pyramid


2015 – 2017

Project Coordinator:

Prof. Joanna Chataway, University of Sussex

In recent years, we have seen an increase in activity to provide energy to low-income households and communities in developing countries, through micro-grids and other methods of distributed energy resources. While studies have shown some improvement in people’s lives as a result of the...


ESCO Box: Smart monitoring, billing and control for pro-poor access to energy services

This project is developing and testing a device for remote monitoring, billing and control of energy “mini-grids” that are supplied by renewable energy such as solar, wind, micro-hydro and biogas – as well as fossil fuel generators. The device – called the ESCoBox – will enable local agents to act as small Energy Service Companies (ESCos). These will be able to buy power wholesale from larger generators,...


Energy Efficient Rural Food Processing Utilising Renewable Energy to Improve Rural Livelihoods (RE4FOOD)

In sub-Saharan Africa significant food losses occur as a result of a number of factors which include insufficient drying, inadequate storage, insufficient cooling and poor transport – all of which rely on high levels of energy input. Decentralised, distributed food processing supported by distributed energy supply can not only improve food security but also provide employment and income...


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