We haven't done much under the LCEDN banner recently. This September we are going to put that right by hosting a two-day collaborative event in Loughborough with the wonderful CESET project. Further details below, please consider joining us if you're in the UK over the 28th and 29th of September 2023.
CESET/LCEDN Building Resilient Energy Communities workshop, 28-29 September 2023.
Venue: Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE113GR, United Kingdom.
Thursday 28th September
CESET: Community Energy Systems and Resilience
The first day of the workshop involves plenary presentations and roundtable sessions on the theme of, “How to build resilient energy communities?” The participants will be asked to share their ideas about how to realize sustainable Community Energy Systems and the ways Community Energy initiatives contributes in building resilience. There will be interactive sessions asking participants to evaluate factors across multiple dimensions for the successful delivery of resilient community energy systems. There will be open discussions inviting participants to share interesting stories through their real world experiences in the field.
Friday 29th September
LCEDN: Building International Collaborations in Low Carbon Energy
Building on the previous days discussions, this session explores the dynamics of several current research programmes involving collaborations between UK-based researchers and colleagues from across the world. The morning will involve presentations detailing the scope of current initiatives (e.g. UKRI-funded research and FCDO-funded programmes supported under the Ayrton Fund), the challenges of building longer-term research relationships and current funding schemes supporting international energy research collaborations. In the afternoon we will explore the potential of reinvigorating the LCEDN as a platform for supporting the building of long-term research relationships.