LCEDN resource
Presentations of plenary speakers and conference delegates can be accessed below:
- Vanessa Castán Broto (University College London, UK): “Energy sovereignty in Mozambique: making territories, disciplining populations” – view the plenary here
- Joy Clancy (University of Twente, The Netherlands): “Gender equity and energy justice” – view the plenary here
- Rosie Day (University of Birmingham, UK): “Durham and back again: reflections after 8 years of energy equity and justice research” – view the plenary here
- Benjamin Sovacool (University of Sussex, UK): “Conceptual frameworks and analytical strategies for energy justice” – view the plenary here
- Simon Trace (Oxford Policy Management, former CEO at Practical Action): “Energy – achieving technology justice” – view the plenary here
- David Woolnough (Department for International Development (DFID), UK): “Equity and energy justice at DFID” – view the plenary here
'Communities, Households and Local Energy Governance' session
- Nadeem Chowdhury (United International University, Bangladesh): “Challenges and successes of energy governance in off-grid rural communities in Bangladesh” – view the presentation here
- Timotheus Darikwa (University of Limpopo, South Africa): “Energy poverty in peri urban South Africa: prevalence and correlates with vulnerable household characteristics” – view the presentation here
- Marcia Montedonico (Energy Centre, FCFM, University of Chile): “Renewable energy technology transfer to rural communities: learning and challenges from the experiences of Ayllu Solar project in Chile” – view the presentation here
- Tara Narayanan (University of Michigan, USA): “Alignment of actors: stakeholder perceptions of the solar microgrid sector in Rural India” – view the presentation here
- Sarah Wykes (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD)): “Delivering SDG7: a new approach to designing energy services to maximise impact” – view the presentation here
'Governance, Power and Resistance' session
- Patil Balachandra (Department of Management Studies & Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Indian Institute of Science): “EnergyPlus for empowerment and sustainability” – view the presentation here
- Mini Govindan (The Energy and Resources Insitute, India): “Does technology justice lead to gender justice? Insights from Solar PV mini grids in Chhattisgarh, India” – view the presentation here
- Shikha Lakhanpal (Asuka Trust for Research in Environment and Ecology, India): “Contesting renewable energy in the Global South: examples from India” – view the presentation here
- Yekeen Sanusi (Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria): “Exploring marginalisation and exclusion in renewable energy development in Africa” – view the presentation here
- Fionagh Thomson (Centre for Theology, Science and Human Flourishing, Notre Dame University, USA): “Carting before the horse: the troublesome reification of new technologies in solving community-based environmental issues” – view the presentation here
Business and Technology panel - Designing Injustice
- Andrew Crossland (Solarcentury and MyGridGB): “Applying interdisciplinary research in industry” – view the presentation here
- Molly Hurley-Dupret (Smart Villages): “How can energy access enable livelihood opportunities and empower rural communities?” – view the presentation here
- Khaiko Malwela-Wali (Green Globe Architecture Ltd) and Mark Booth (Newcastle University): “Energy facilitated market places: building a sustainable, low carbon value-chain to alleviate rural poverty” – view the presentation here
- Ian Morris (Fulwell Mill): "The importance of value addition for development and the critical role that energy (especially clean energy) access plays in enabling or hindering this" - view the presentation here
'Energy Justice in the Context of the SDGs: From Theorization to Practice' session
- Helene Ahlborg (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden): “Towards a conceptualisation of power in energy transitions” – view the presentation here
- Cle-Anne Gabriel (University of Queensland, Australia): “Distributive justice for renewable energy entrepreneurs” – view the presentation here
- Kirsten Jenkins (University of Sussex, UK): “problematizing “whole systems energy justice”” – view the presentation here
- Darren McCauley (University of St Andrews, UK): “Energy justice: re-balancing the trilemma of security, poverty and climate change” – view the presentation here
- Tedd Moya-Mose and Raphael Heffron (Queen Mary University of London, UK): “Examining energy justice concerns and the international energy charter” – view the presentation here
- Analisa Savaresi (University of Stirling, UK): “Justice, equity and the energy transition: lessons from community renewables” – view the presentation here
'Market Solutions? Entrepreneurialism, Productive Uses and Energy' session
- Aran Eales (Strathclyde University, UK): “Promoting energy justice through productive uses of solar PV in Malawi” – view the presentation here
- Dipti Vaghela (Renewable Energy Association of Myanmar): "Energy democracy in Myanmar: scaling up renewable energy social entrepreneurs" - view the presentation here