Below are proceedings of the Understanding Sustainable Energy Solutions (USES) conference, held in Nakuru, Kenya from 6th-9th December 2017.
A brochure containing further details of the 13 project comprising the USES programme is attached.
Presentations given on the findings and next steps of the 13 USES projects can be accessed below (project representatives who delivered the presentations are given in brackets):
Theme 1 - Governance Issues
READ project (Dr Ed Brown) - access the presentation here
SAMSET project (Dr Xavier Lemaire) - access the presentation here
SONG project (Dr Jonathan Cloke) - access the presentation here
Theme 2 - Energy and Agriculture
RE4FOOD project (Prof Tony Roskilly) - access the presentation here
AGRICEN project (Dr Simon Batchelor) - access the presentation here
Clean Energy from Rice Straw project (Chris Walsh) - access the presentation here
Theme 3 - Low Carbon Transitions
MECON project (Aung Thet Paing) - access the presentation here
Green Growth Diagnostics for Africa project (Helen Osiolo) - access the presentation here
ELITH project (Herbert Candia) - access the presentation here
Theme 4 - Technology and Beyond
BARRIERS project (Dr Alison Mohr) - access the presentation here
ESCOBOX project (Dr Rupert Gammon) - access the presentation here
LCT project (Dr Rebecca Hanlin) - access the presentation here
STEPS project (Dr Binu Parthan) - access the presentation here