The webinar can be viewed here.
In this webinar, we focused on the needs of displaced people and refugees – whether internally displaced, asylum seekers living in camps, or other situations. What are their energy needs? What happens when a temporary camp becomes a permanent home? What are the specific needs of men, women, and children in these situations – including energy for education, cooking, and productive uses of energy?
We learnt about the Moving Energy Initiative, the work of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, the work of EnDev/GIZ, and the work of two entrepreneurs who have worked closely with refugees and organisations that serve refugees.
Kathleen Callaghy, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Salinee Hurley, BGET
Laura Patel, Energy4Impact
Anja Rohde, GIZ
Inga Buchholz, EnDev
Divyesh Thakkar, Sun Lite Solar