Smart Villages webinar, 18 July 2016: 'Addressing energy governance: Questions of scale and scope'

LCEDN resource

The webinar can be viewed here

This webinar brought together researchers working on energy governance issues from a range of projects funded under two different DFID initiatives. These initiatives are the EPSRC/DFID/DECC funded Understading Sustainable Energy Solutions (USES) programme whose 13 projects are networked under the USES Network ( and the DFID-funded Gender and Energy research programme which is managed by Energia (

Issues that were covered in the webinar included: the roles of local government and political decentralization in energy governance; the political economy of energy sector dynamics and decision-making processes; energy sector reform and fossil-fuel subsidization and the role of cities and municipalities in sustainable energy transitions.

Our webinar series is a little different: each expert spoke for less than 10 minutes and focused on their on-the-ground experience using photos to tell their story.


Ed Brown (Loughborough University, UK Low Carbon Energy for Development Network) | Presentation

Laura Merrill and Richard Bridle (International Institute for Sustainable Development) | Presentation

Simon Bawakyillenuo and Innocent Agbelie (University of Ghana) | Presentation

Govind Kelkar (M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation, India) | Presentation

Smart Villages Partnership