ENERGIA report: 'Gender in the transition to energy for all: From evidence to inclusive policies'

This new report by ENERGIA is a synthesis of the evidence generated by ENERGIA's five-year research programme, and it presents a prioritised selection of key messages and associated policy implications. The research, conducted by nine teams, with 29 partners working in 12 countries, explores the...

Powering the Crowd into the Future: Key Learnings & Recommendations for Energy Access by Crowdfunding and P2P Lending

Author(s): Cogan, D., Weston, P. Publication date: December 2018 Publication type: Report Overview: This report – Powering the Crowd into the Future: Key Learnings and Recommendations – provides a summary of knowledge gathered by Energy 4 Impact during its three-year, UK aid-funded Crowd Power...

ENERGIA report: 'Supporting last-mile women energy entrepreneurs: What works and what does not'

This ENERGIA publication examines, analyses and presents models and strategies experienced during the implementation of the Women's Economic Empowerment (WEE) programme, describing successful approaches, together with failures. Together with five leading partners (Solar Sister, Kopernik, Energy 4...

What constrains renewable energy investment in Sub-Saharan Africa? A comparison of Kenya and Ghana

Author(s): Pueyo, A. Publication date: September 2018 Publication type: Journal article Journal: World Development Abstract: Policymakers in Sub-Saharan Africa face several choices to increase levels of access to electricity under severe budget constraints. First, they need to prioritise...

Practical Action Bangladesh 'infomercials' centred around the issue of solar waste

LCEDN resource
Further to the collaboration between LCEDN and Practical Action (PA) under the 'Broadening Academic Dissemination Initiative of the DFID-funded 'Transforming Energy Access' project, the PA team based in Bangladesh have produced a couple of short "infomercials" centred around the issue of solar...

Assessing the Sustainability of Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems: A Comprehensive Framework with Analytical Methods

Author(s): Katre, A. & Tozzi, A. Publication date: 3 April 2018 Publication type: Journal article Journal: Sustainability Abstract: The number of models of Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE) systems, particularly for rural electrification, is growing globally. Most approaches to assess the...

Green power for Africa - Overcoming the Main Constraints

Author(s) : Pueyo, Ana; Bawakyillenuo, Simon (eds.) Publication date : December 2017 Publication type : Journal issue Journal : Institute of Development Studies (IDS) Bulletin Abstract: Inadequate power supply in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) means that only 37 per cent of sub-Saharan Africans have...

Conference proceedings: LCEDN 6th Conference, 2017

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Presentations of plenary speakers and conference delegates can be accessed below: Plenaries Vanessa Castán Broto (University College London, UK): “Energy sovereignty in Mozambique: making territories, disciplining populations” – view the plenary here Joy Clancy (University of Twente, The...
