Reducing Energy Consumption Cost and Greenhouse Gas Emission for Tropical Low-income Housing: Thailand Contribution

Author(s):  Chuangchote, Chaiwiwatworakul, Chiarakorn, Rakkwamsuk, Chirarattananon

Publication date: 19th - 21st November 2014

Publication type: Conference Proceedings

Journal: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment

Abstract: Recently, there is insufficient effort and insufficient body of studies into the issues of low-energy housing for low-income and medium income earners. Even fewer studies have touched on the issue of thermal comfort for low-income housing.  Modern housing design does not adequately attempt to utilize daylight fully nor to provide sufficient but energy-efficient electric lighting during night time. This project is carrying out to study on reducing energy consumption cost and greenhouse gas emission for tropical low-income housing in Thailand. Recent progress is on the survey process in low-income housing to collect the data of electric appliances, building configurations and energy uses in household, and establish the baseline for each household type in low-income housing in Thailand. 

The publication can be found here


Energy and Low Income Tropical Housing