The LCEDN team welcomes Surabhi Rajagopal as a Visiting Researcher

18 December 2017

The LCEDN team is delighted to welcome Surabhi Rajagopal (pictured) as a Visiting Researcher. Surabhi is working for the LCEDN alongside completing a six month secondment at the SELCO Foundation. Surabhi has written the following blog to introduce herself and outline what she is looking forward to contributing towards the LCEDN portfolio and gaining from the role:

We can all agree that energy is a catalyst for local development, but the source of that energy and...

Registration open: Smart Villages Webinar on bridging research and practice in energy research

13 Dec 2017 - 11:30am
Smart Villages

In September 2017, the Low Carbon Energy for Development Network (LCEDN) held its annual conference on the topic of "Equity and Energy Justice" at Durham University, UK. As a follow-up to this conference, we are holding two webinars to share highlights from the conference.

The first webinar focussed on energy justice....

Your feedback invited: new EUEI PDF study published on Energy and Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Countries

29 November 2017

Please refer to the message below from Silvia Escudero, Project Manager of the EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF):

Dear colleagues,

The EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI-PDF) just launched a new study on Energy and Climate Change Adaptation...

Understanding Sustainable Energy Solutions (USES) workshop to be held in Nakuru next week

29 November 2017

The LCEDN team and numerous collaborative partner organisations, government representatives and researchers from the Global South and throughout Europe will be participating in the Understanding Sustainable Energy Solutions (USES) network workshop in Nakuru, Kenya, from 7-9 December 2017. The workshop provides a timely opportunity to disseminate, review and discuss outputs and future research directions of the 13 projects comprising the USES...

Mapping synergies and trade-offs between energy and the Sustainable Development Goals: how, why, and what’s next

21 November 2017

The UCL Energy and Development Group recently published a paper on ‘Mapping synergies and trade-offs between energy and the Sustainable Development Goals’ (access the paper here ). One of the co-authors of the paper, Iwona Bisaga, a PhD student from University College London, has written the following blog about how and why this paper was written, and what's next for furthering this research area.


Tonny Kukeera awarded placement on sustainable energy at the National University of Lesotho

20 November 2017

We are delighted to announce that Tonny Kukeera (pictured), a recent graduate of M.Sc. Energy Engineering at the Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences, has been awarded a three month academic placement opportunity on sustainable energy based at the National University of Lesotho. The placement is funded by the LCEDN in their support of the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP) and the National University of Lesotho (NUL) in the organisation of...

Productive Power Use workshop, Southampton University, July 2017

3 July 2017

Blog about the workshop on Productive Power Use held in Southampton in early July 2017 by Chetanraj Dhillon and Honor Drummond.

This blog has been written by Chetanraj Dhillon (BSc(hons) Geography with Economics student, Loughborough University) and Honor Drummond (BSc(hons) Geography student, Loughborough University), who represented Loughborough University at the workshop alongside Dr Jonathan Cloke of the LCEDN (shown here giving a presentation at the workshop)....

LCEDN 6th Conference, 2017: Reflections

7 November 2017

Three sets of reflections regarding the LCEDN 6th Conference (9-11 September 2017, Durham) are provided below, the first set were written by Dr Britta Turner (LCEDN), the second set by Honor Drummond (BSc(hons) Geography student, Loughborough University) and the final set by Chetanraj Dhillon (BSc(hons) Geography with Economics student, Loughborough University).

Dr Britta Turner is a post-doctoral research associate working for the LCEDN’s Transforming Energy...


7 November 2017

Following a successful workshop on ‘ethno-engineering’ at Durham University at the end of October 2017, Dr Britta Turner of the Low Carbon Energy for Development Network has been considering the term ethno-engineering; how it relates to existing understandings and articulations of the relationship between ethnography (anthropology more broadly) and engineering, and what it might have to offer both academic and non-academic stakeholders operating in the area of Low Carbon Energy in a...

Mapping the UK Research & Innovation Landscape: Energy & Development

LCEDN resource
Author(s) : Bagley, Chris; Brown, Ed; Campbell, Ben; Cloke, Jon; Cameron, Scott; Collings, Simon; Gunning, Rebecca; Kabell, Henriette; McDonnell, Jennie; To, Long Seng; Turner, Britta Final publication: April 2018 A review undertaken by the UK Low Carbon Energy for Development Network, Energy 4...


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